

About the Faculty of Nursing


The Faculty of Nursing at Mahasarakham University was established in response to the challenges of a nursing shortage in Northeastern Thailand in the late 20th century. Project development at the University began on December 21, 1995, and became the Faculty of Nursing officially on July 19, 1998. The Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council has continuously accredited the Faculty of Nursing as a nursing and midwifery educational institution from 2000 to the present.


The Faculty of Nursing is responsible for educating undergraduate and graduate nursing students who meet national standards, conduct research, disseminate knowledge, and develop innovations in nursing and healthcare. The Faculty of Nursing provides academic outreach services and conserves and nurtures local wisdom and cultural heritage. Moreover, the Faculty of Nursing supports and promotes the development of research studies that combine local wisdom with current understanding.


Nurses possess not only theoretical knowledge and clinical skills but also exhibit moral and ethical behavior in nursing practice; they are leaders in their work settings and communities and promote optimal health with wisdom and kindness.


The Faculty of Nursing is a leading national academic institution for nursing to educate for the well-being of Thai people and global society.


  1. To prepare students for professional nursing practice and advanced nursing practice who demonstrate standards of excellence in care and leadership.
  2. To generate and disseminate knowledge and innovations in specific fields of nursing via national and international nursing networks.
  3. To contribute academic services for promoting the health and well-being of communities.
  4. To conserve and nurture local wisdom and cultural heritage in promoting health.

Mission Statement

  1. To prepare nursing graduates who achieve excellence in care, leadership, and ethical values.
  2. To develop a knowledge base that contributes to innovations in health.
  3. To generate and disseminate knowledge and innovation.

Faculty of Nursing Objectives

  1. To prepare undergraduate and graduate nursing science students to achieve and provide teaching and learning nursing science programs.
  2. To study and conduct research and to disseminate knowledge and innovations related to nursing science and healthcare in cooperation with other academic and public and private sectors both nationally and internationally.
  3. To provide academic health services that benefit Thai people, communities, and organizations.
  4. To maintain, support, and promote arts and culture consistent with the nursing profession and its purpose and values.